Where is Home?

Where is Home?

Ask me where I feel most at ‘home’ and I will likely never say Whitby – where I was born and grew up. Not that I did not enjoy growing up in Whitby; I’ve simply always felt that my home was not the suburbs and I was destined for something greater, as cheesy as that sounds. Now that I don’t actually live in Whitby anymore for 8 months of the year, I’ve started to think of home being more of a feeling rather than an actual physical place. Right now, being the broke University student I am, I’m kind of struggling with the concept of ‘home’, by living in Ottawa for school, but my family being literally all over Canada. Since some recent news I received that my parents are selling our boat, I’ve come to realize that as I previously stated, ‘home’ is not a physical space, but memories that I’ve made with those I love. I know not everybody has this view towards ‘home’, but I truly believe that I could live anywhere in the world (my someday) and feel ‘at home’, as long as I have someone to share my experiences with.

So where do I feel most at home?

I’ve always considered myself to be a ‘city girl’ but at the same time, I love exploring outside of cities. In relation to the topic of this blog post, I feel most at home when I’m in nature and on/close to the water. Home to me is Georgian Bay, where I spent countless summer nights with my family on our boat. The memories from my childhood that stand out the most to me are those on my boat. For example, I will never forget the time I woke up on my boat, came upstairs and walked right off the end of the swim platform into the WEED infested water. I have never screamed so loud before – I absolutely despise weeds… who knows why but they disgust me!

So… anyways, home to me is family and friends. Because what are experiences if you have nobody you love there to share them with?

Currently living in Ottawa, I don’t even really consider Ottawa to be my ‘home’. To me, it is just a city that I’m attending University in and hopefully law school (wishful thinking here haha). So, here’s to making my ‘home’ not permanent and exploring other people’s homes all over the world.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Duncan Stewart

    Its not a boat…its a yacht

  2. Donna MacLean

    Never knew you liked the “yacht” that much. Home for me is wherever my family is! Well said my sweet daughter. Can’t wait to share in some of your adventures!

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