Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
Punta Uva beach

Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Hola amigos,

(about the extent of Spanish that I learned while in Costa Rica…)

Well it’s been about a month now since I left for my trip to Costa Rica with my three besties and I am currently wishing I could go back as I am writing this in a café while there is snow falling outside.

WELL… let me tell you, the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica did not disappoint. If you are planning to go to Costa Rica in Sept-Oct, I would highly recommend going to the Caribbean coast – it is their dry season, whereas it is the rainy season on the Pacific side. Even though it is quite a journey (about 4-4.5 hours) from San José, it was for sure worth the journey.

Tips for traveling to Puerto Viejo from San José:

  • Take the local bus – it is only approx. 10 USD and not sketchy at all (I promise!)
  • Tell your Taxi driver the correct bus station – the bus to Puerto Viejo is called MEPE (seems simple I know – but apparently it is a common mistake)
  • Give yourself lots of time to get to the bus station (we almost missed our bus…)
  • For coming back to San José: purchase your tickets from the bus stop the day before you’re planning to leave

Also, another major tip for travelling in Costa Rica in general: pack light and use a backpack over a suitcase. It is much more practical and easy, especially if you are travelling around to different places. My friends and I only went for a week so we each packed our stuff in a small backpack and did carryon – would definitely recommend if you are there for a week or less.

This trip pushed me out of our comfort zone. This trip put my life into perspective. This trip made me realize how deep my love for travel is.

Let me explain more! This trip pushed me out of my comfort zone because I’m used to going to places in the Caribbean and staying at all-inclusive resorts, however, we stayed in hostels in Costa Rica. The first hostel near the airport in San José was rough to say the least (I’m sure there is much worse – I can be a princess sometimes), with bugs in the bathroom BUT we were literally there to only sleep and then head to the coast the next morning. The hostel in Puerto Viejo (Selina hotel & hostel – they have hostels all over the world, would definitely recommend them) was amazing, their food/drinks were delicious, rooms were simple and clean (we stayed in a 6-bed dorm style room) and the staff was great.

Well this may sound cliché and I almost hate saying it, but I truly think that I “found myself” on this trip. Staying in hostels we met all sorts of different people from around the world, while they were all unique, there tended to be one commonality among them. This being that they were in their mid to late twenties and had either quit their jobs/taking a long leave of absence to travel the world. Therefore, this made me realize that I want to take majority of my twenties to travel the world because there really is no better time to travel then when you’re young. The next trip I take will not just be a vacation, it will be my new home for a relatively long period of time! Crazy stuff, I know.

This trip also made me realize how ready I am to be done with University and move on with my life. Ever since I’ve been back in Ottawa going to school, I feel as if I’ve been in a constant rut… not wanting to be here anymore. I am ready to explore what the whole world has to offer and not be tied down to one city! I have loved living in Ottawa, however, I do not think I can handle another winter here. So here is to living my twenties all around the world – catch me if you can!

Best things to do in Puerto Viejo:

  • Beach hop (our favourite beach was Punta Uva and this seems to be the consensus among the locals as well)
  • Jaguar rescue centre – despite it’s name, there was not many jaguars at the sanctuary, however, there was a bunch of sloths and monkeys. AND the best thing about it – it is NOT a zoo, it is a rescue centre for injured animals! There are tours offered daily (check the times on their website beforehand)
  • Rent a bike –  this was probably my favourite thing that we did, while it seems quite simple, it was so much fun renting a bike and riding on the roads to different beaches and stopping at cool places along the way.
  • Bri Bri waterfall – about 10-15km from Puerto Viejo, a bit of a journey but well worth the walk. You park your car at a local families house and walk about 10 minutes to the waterfall, we had our Taxi driver take us to the waterfall and to be honest, I’m not sure if we could have found it by ourselves so thankful that we had him with us!
  • Enjoy the amazing food – being situated on the Caribbean coast, the food was to die for. Lots of seafood, fresh produce and cheap alcoholic drinks everywhere!
    • Breakfast: bread & chocolate, café rico & café naia (I’m a huge breakfast/brunch person so you better believe that these places were to die for, therefore, you MUST go!)

The beauty of Puerto Viejo was truly overwhelming. The diverse wildlife, friendly locals and abundance of beaches was definitely the highlight of the area. Next time, I want to check out the Pacific side and see all of the infamous volcanos!

Adiòs por ahora (goodbye for now),

wanderlust morg xx

See below for some pics!