London Day 2

London Day 2

Hello again!

So turns out I kind of suck at this whole blogging thing… I am a day behind on my posting. I’m trying my best, I’m sorry!!! I have just been literally non-stop busy since I’ve been in the UK, so it is difficult to find time to write a blog post at the end of each day. Anyways… London day number 2 did not disappoint.

We got up around 9 am, but didn’t actually head out of the hotel until around 10:30am, and we took the tube to Soho to get brunch. We originally set out for this fancy trendy places called the “The Brekfast Club”, but there was a que out the door and about an hours long wait but there was a cute little place right next door so we went there instead. It was called Soho Joes and it was also super trendy and hipster. I had eggs Benedict with avocado on the English muffin as well and it was delicious! Talia was talking to a man that worked there and said that she loved the places & thought it was really cute. Turns out the man was the owner and in a bit, he brought us over some free mimosas. So sweet. So if you are ever in the Soho area in London, go to Soho Joes!

Next, we walked around the shops in Carnaby, stopped for a cocktail in Chinatown, went to Leicester Square and Trafagler Square… which I remembered both from when I was in London back in 2012 for the summer olympics. Next, we went to this super cool ice cream shop that was delicious and then we headed back to the hotel to get ready for the Beyonce & Jay-Z concert in the evening at the Olympic stadium – now referred to as Queen Elizabeth Stadium.

Now… I have never quite understood people’s obsessions with Beyoncé and I have never been all that into her to be honest, but man, does she put on a good show. It was one of the best concerts I’ve seen thus far for sure!

Next up… an early morning to catch our train to Paris. Stay tuned!

Wanderlust Morg xx