10 Reasons Why I Love Italy

It is no secret that I fell in love with Italy throughout my time living there over the past year. I had never been to Italy before moving there or even knew much about it, but nonetheless, Italy became somewhere that I felt at home.

I’ve been seriously missing Italy lately so I thought I would share 10 simple reasons why I adore Italy so much.

1. The Food

This one is a given. Italians have the best and most delicious comfort food. Italian cuisine has always been one of my favourites, but the ‘Italian food’ you get elsewhere in the world does not even come close to comparing to the food in Italy. Everything from fresh pasta, pizza, olive oil, cheeses, gelato, antipasti, brioche, tiramisu, risotto, focaccia, suppí, limoncello and aperol spritz truly make for a food heaven.

2. The Kind People

The warm locals in Italy have a way of making you feel welcome. I have been welcomed into many Italian homes & felt at home in a country that I lived in for a little less than a year. I think this is largely to do with how kind Italians are and their patience with my mediocre Italian.

3. The History

Coming from Canada, we just don’t have history like they do in Italy. The history in Italy absolutely blows me away, especially in Rome. Italy has done an amazing job at preserving their history and it is definetly one of the main reasons that the country itself attracts so many tourists. The major cities and little towns are all full of interesting history.

4. The Architecture

There is something about Italian architecture that is so appealing to me. The Duomos all over Italy are so grand and beautiful. While I am no expert in architecture, however, I could wander around forever in Italian cities and towns simply taking in all of the astonishing buildings.

6. The Social Atmosphere

Italians are very family oriented. They value and appreciate their relationships with their family and friends immensely, and I think this is amazing and admirable. I love how social Italians are! Whether it’s meeting up for an apreitivo, dinner, cafe, etc.. it seems like Italians are always socializing with their family and friends.

5. The Vino (Wine!)

It is no secret that Italian wine is amazing. However, what is also amazing is the price! You can get a good bottle of wine for €5. House wine at restaurants are also extremely cheap and actually good! Most resturants will have their own “vino della casa bianco e rosso” (white and red house wine).

7. Il Dolce di Far Niente (the sweetness of doing nothing)

This is something that was definitely new to me, coming from North America. I feel like in North America we live a fast paced lifestyle and often times we have a purpose or destination. Whereas in Italy, they find great pleasure in doing nothing. I absolutely loved this and quickly adapted. I loved sitting in piazzas and watching the world go by, sipping a café at the bar, chatting over apreitivo, and sharing a long dinner with friends. I feel like I perfected the art of doing nothing while also feeling happy & accomplished, and that is truly “la dolce vita” (the sweet life)!

8. Getting Around Is Easy & Affordable

The trains are the easiest and quickest way to get around Italy. You can get all the way from the North to the South via train! The regional (slower ones) trains are super affordable & the high speed trains are as well, especially if you book in advance. Often times it is faster to take the train than to drive!

9. The Different Regions

Italy has 20 different and unique distinct regions. By traveling all over Italy I was able to experience this first hand. Northern Italy vs. Southern Italy are very different, it almost feels like you’ve entered a different country and I think that is so cool! Also, certain regions of Italy are known for certain foods and wines! For example, Rome is known for their cacio e pepe and carbonara, among other things. It is fun to travel around Italy and try all of the local foods/drinks native to that area.

10. Caffé e Cornetto

I think this one is also self explanatory… but I am a HUGE fan of the Italian breakfast style! Breakfast in Italy is always sweet over savoury and I absolutely love it. Sipping on an espresso or cappuccino and eating a delicious cornetto with Nutella, pistachio or cream (the options really are endless!) is the best way to kickstart your day!